Alice Maxwell Elementary: Three Presentations for Ms. Waechter, Mr. Rodriguez, and Mrs. Romero’s 6th Grade Classes 3/19/18
“Students enjoyed the presentation and the game. The presentation was influential. I learned I’m addicted to sugar… It was a wonderful presentation.”
-Lisa Romero, teacher at Alice Maxwell Elementary School
“Great presentation! Very precise and informational for both me and the students. I believe the students gained some insight about sugar. The information was very relevant. I thought [Aiden] spoke well and was very knowledgeable about the subject.”
-Shane Rodriguez, teacher at Alice Maxwell Elementary School
“Lots of great information relevant to students’ lives. It’s important for young people to see another young person as the expert in the room! The game was a great way to get interaction from [the] audience.”
-Mary Waechter, teacher at Alice Maxwell Elementary School
Local news coverage for the Healthy Hydration Operation
H2Operation presented to the Davidson Academy and was featured on KOLO8 news ABC.
Local teen looks to put the dangers of sugar on display.
Click the link above to see the story
The H2Operation donated a 55- gallon water storage drum to a school with the money raised from the Davidson 2017 Summit H2OPERATION water sales and game booth.
” Your gift, a 55-gallon water storage drum, can save lives and prevent the spread of water-borne diseases like typhoid and cholera by giving a school somewhere to store its water. Thank you very much for your fundraising effort!”
-Plan International
Davidson Young Scholar Ambassador Summit Presentation 6/23/17-6/25/17
Davidson 2017 Summit H2OPERATION water sales and sugar game booth 6/23/17-6/25/17
H2Operation Sugar Presentation to Mrs. Gonzalez’s 5th grade class at Hunsberger Elementary school. 4/10/17

“The amounts of sugar in drinks that are found in the average household are astonishing. I think that the public is unaware of how much of the recommended daily allowance of sugar they are consuming with one soft drink.”
-Angela Gonzalez
H2Operation Sugar Presentation to Mrs. Braik’s 5th grade class at Grace Warner Elementary school.
“My students learned a lot about the beverages they drink. They were so excited about what they learned they went home that night and let their parents know how much sugar was in the drinks their parents were drinking. I am looking forward to using the data on [the] website. I plan on using the data to help my students learn about data analysis.”
-Amie Braik, M.Ed. Fifth Grade Teacher
H2Operation Sugar Presentation to 5th and 6th grade SWAS students at Hunsberger Elementary school.

H2Operation Sugar Presentation to Mrs. Wilson’s 5th grade class at Hunsberger Elementary school.
“I was thoroughly impressed with Aiden’s ability to engage student learning throughout his H2Operation presentation. Students were actively engaged throughout the presentation asking questions and especially enjoyed participating in the sugar guessing game!
The information [that had been] shared was just right for the age level and the students were engaged the entire time.”
-Christi Wilson
H2Operation Sugar Presentation to 5th and 6th grade SWAS students at Roy Gomm Elementary school.
“[This] presentation was very well done. Students got a visual and very impactful understanding of the amount of sugar in drinks and foods we eat. They also got a concept of what a more healthy sugar intake would be. I myself was shocked at how much added sugar was in sweetened yogurt products. I would love to share your presentation with my own family members and friends.
I recently referred to [this] presentation when I discovered a friend of mine cannot store food in his office fridge, because it is full of Mountain Dew! I encouraged him to cut down on his intake and mentioned the health hazards [that have been] shared with us.”
-Mona Melton
H2Operation Sugar Presentation to 4th grade students at Roy Gomm Elementary school.

“The highly interactive lesson with the students was very engaging. The students were very interested to learn about the nutritional content of various beverages and the effects upon the body of drinking different beverages.”
-Jack Green
H2Operation Sugar Presentation to students at The Davidson Academy of Nevada.

H2Operation Introduction at Davidson Young Scholar Summit Ambassador Presentation.
You and Your World (Sugar Presentations) at Davidson Summer STARS
6/20/16, 6/21/16, 6/22/16, 6/28/16, 6/29/16, 6/30/16